The Friends of the Princess Royal Hospital

£3 million raised for the Princess Royal Hospital, Telford


The Friends of the Princess Royal Hospital want patients to receive the highest standard of treatment. 140 volunteers staff a coffee cart, ward trolley and on-site shop selling snacks as well as day-to-day items that could be needed during a hospital stay.

"The Friends of the Princess Royal continues to go from strength to strength, thanks to the continuous hard work of all concerned. We are all very proud of the work that we do and the achievements made to help the local community," says Chairman, Alan Millward.

In recent years, the group has donated medical equipment including a radio frequency machine, a mammography machine, an endoscopy unit, and many more costly, high-standard hospital facilities. The provision equipment is a convenience to patients as they do not need to travel further afield to Shrewsbury Hospital. The Friends’ efforts mean that treatment is more efficient and of the best quality possible.

Funds primarily come from retail with secondary income coming from a variety of fundraising events, as well as legacies and donations from patients and grateful family members. In their 36 year history, The Friends of the Princess Royal Hospital have raised over £3 million.

The Friends of the Princess Royal Hospital benefit from Attend membership, which includes comprehensive charity insurance cover. For more information, or to join, please click here.