The Friends of Whitchurch Hospital

Funding a new out-patients suite


Patients of Whitchurch hospital are grateful beneficiaries of the work of The Friends of Whitchurch Hospital. Volunteers visit patients and provide mid-morning drinks, fresh jugs of water, hospitality packs, and Christmas presents. 

Since its creation in 1966, the Friends group has persisted in both providing direct services to patients and raising money for the hospital. At each meeting, hospital staff provide a list of items they would like the Friends to purchase. Occasionally the Friends also receive requests from local doctors, community nurses and the ambulance service.

In 2004, the Friends announced their most ambitious project to date, committing to fund a new out-patients suite at the hospital, used for group therapy. Building work on the £300,000 Outpatients Department Project at Whitchurch Hospital, started in September 2007, was completed by Spring 2008. Hospital Community Services Manager Nicky Jacques commented on the project, “It will be a huge benefit and will enable us to provide more outpatients services locally.”

Local businesses organise an annual summer ball and auction on behalf of the Friends, while the volunteers host events such as the annual hospital fete held in the grounds of the hospital, charity golf tournaments, hog roasts, Pimms and pate evenings, concerts, bridge drives and coffee mornings. A close relationship exists between the Friends and the community. One volunteer commented, “People are very generous, they appreciate their local hospital and if they have received good care, they will respond generously.”

Created prior to 2011. Updated 2021

The Friends of Whitchurch Hospital benefit from Attend membership, which includes comprehensive charity insurance cover. For more information, or to join, please click here.

The Friends of Whitchurch Hospital