The League of Friends of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital

£60, 000 raised from a day at the races!


Volunteers for the League of Friends enjoying the day at the races

The Shrewsbury Friends League is listed among the top 20 out of approximately 900, for their dedication and achievement in fundraising for the Royal Hospital.

The Friends biggest fundraising event to date was a charity race day at Ludlow race course to earn money for a Cardio Vascular Machine. They sold approximately 650 tickets, far exceeding the 400 guests they were expecting! ‘Many attendees expressed their joy at having had such an enjoyable and fulfilling day at the races and organised to perfection’ said Honorary Treasurer Tony Barker.  Race day dawned quite sunny as the event commenced with a donated champagne reception held on the terrace overlooking the racecourse. The guests were then treated to a sit-down catered lunch and two auctions with a wealth of donations. The auctions alone raised £17, 000 and the total funds collected reached £60, 000. The CV machine purchased is already up and running and helping 350 patients per month by helping to diagnose heart conditions without the need for a more invasive procedure. 

Originally formed in 1966 the Friends now have four shops situated around the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital with a turnover around £750,000. The shops are the Friends front line and are manned by volunteers along with a few paid helpers; every day they all work tirelessly running the shops which also includes taking out a daily trolley service to the wards selling newspapers, confectionary and toiletries. The service is welcomed by both patients and staff alike. Some patients may not receive any visitors, so to see two smiling faces arriving at their bedside with a trolley full of goodies is most welcoming. All the profits from the shops are put towards the purchase of much needed, essential equipment for the RSH

As well as income from the shops they receive generous legacies and donations which are greatly appreciated. Other income comes from fundraising activities. They have a very active fundraising group of 28 volunteers who work hard throughout the year organising events which adds £30,000 – £40,000 annually to the Leagues income.

In the last two years the Friends have donated over £2million to the Shrewsbury hospital. This has only been possible because of the kindness and generosity of so many people in Shropshire and Mid – Wales. They  receive many generous donations and legacies from people who have made provision in their will and every penny received is used to buy much needed hospital equipment which continues to improve patient care and provide a “lasting gift for generations to come”

In 2006 the Friends received a Queens Award for Voluntary Service for outstanding achievements and commitment to helping others.

Created 8th May 2012. Updated 2021

The League of Friends of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital benefits from Attend membership, which includes comprehensive charity insurance cover. For more information, or to join, please click here.