Benefits of membership

We offer a wide range of services, with something for everyone.

Charity Insurance

In partnership with Gallagher, we offer access to comprehensive insurance for charities through our membership.

Charity Banking Services

Due to circumstances and times beyond our control........

Charity Information & Support

Attend has over 70 years of knowledge and experience supporting charities working in health and social care and we use that knowledge and experience to support charities who are members in a number of different ways:

Helping you raise funds

Raising funds can become much easier with our retail schemes that offer an excellent value for price.

Charity Audit Service

Through our auditors, Azets, our new service helps your Trustees meet their responsibilities while helping to market your charity effectively.

Trustee Finding Service

Looking for a talented trustee? We can help.

Free Management Support from the Cranfield Trust

The Cranfield Trust offers free management support to voluntary organisations addressing issues of poverty, disability and social exclusion.

Tailored support

When running your organisation we know that sometimes you just need to pick up the phone or send an email that gets you some specific support. We offer a range of ways you can get tailored support.
