Free Management Support from the Cranfield Trust

The Cranfield Trust offers free management support to voluntary organisations addressing issues of poverty, disability and social exclusion.

Cranfield Trust volunteers are skilled managers from the commercial sector who give their time to work on projects with voluntary sector clients in areas where skills can easily transfer from the commercial world.  As well as activities such as strategic or business planning, advising on marketing activities, strengthening financial management and tackling HR or IT issues, Trust volunteers often facilitate board or management awaydays, evaluate possible trading activities, mentor Chief Executives or other managers and facilitate merger or collaboration discussions. 

Cranfield Trust volunteers act as advisors rather than as additional resources to client organisations, and time input is usually between 2 and 10 days, at the longer end usually spread over a few months.  The Trust also offers HR support and advice via its online service HRNet.

For more information please see or contact, 01794 830338