Charity Insurance

In partnership with Gallagher, we offer access to comprehensive insurance for charities through our membership.

As a member of Attend, our aim is for your charity to be enrolled in the standard benefits cover for employers' liability, public & product liability, trustees indemnity and volunteer accident cover.Details of the scope of these covers are below.

Point of Contact:

Debbie Baverstock
Membership Services Manager

Tel: 020 73072570
Fax: 020 73072571


Our Core Membership offers a range of support for running your organisation including newsletters, helpline,  training, audit services and liability insurance. Click here to see what the cost of core membership will be for your group per year

  • Insurance package consisting of:

Employers' Liability £10,000,000

Public Liability £10,000,000 (which meets the criteria of the NHS Litigation Authority , now called NHS Resolution)

Products Liability £10,000,000

Personal accident: 

Category 1   5 x annual salary (maximum £50,000)(employee)

Category 2     £3000 (volunteers under 16 years of age)

Category 3     £50,000 (volunteers aged 16-75 years of age)  

Category 4     £1,500 (volunteers aged 76-80 years of age)

Category 5     £1,500 (volunteers aged 81-85 years of age)

Trustee indemnity £500,000 any one claim limit. (This protects Trustees, Officials and/or Committee Members in the event that they commit a 'wrongful act' in their capacity as such. Without this cover, Trustees can be held personally liable to the full extent of their wealth/assets. The definition of  wrongful act can include breach of trust/duty, breach of care, misappropriation of funds and breach of health and safety)

Trustee indemnity - bodily injury includes cover subject to some provisos (This provides cover where the 'wrongful act' described above has resulted in an injury to a third party)

Trustee indemnity - Entity £500,000 (In the same context as Trustee indemnity but where the organisation itself is also brought into legal action due to the actions of its Trustees)

Medical malpractice/treatment  £5,000,000 any one claim limit. No excess for treatment claims. (This would protect a member group who may provide some assistance to individuals with the taking of their pre-prescribed medication or basic elements of treatment and personal care and a claim was made due to the accusation that had been incorrectly undertaken resulting in an injury being caused to a third party (such as a member of the public that the Attend member was assisting)).

Crisis Containment - PR (liability) £25,000 limit (policy holders now benefit from cover for the costs and expenses incurred in employing the services of an external PR Consultant for the purpose of providing guidance in order to minimise or limit any adverse publicity in relation to an event that could be considered as having the potential to give rise to a claim. This wouldn't prevent an actual claim under other sections being dealt with later on where relevant but can assist in the first instance to try to prevent the situation escalating)

Crisis Management - (Trustee) £10,000 inner limit within £500,000 (Crisis Management costs mean fees and expenses payable to the media consultants appointed on behalf of insurers/policy holder to minimise any adverse media reporting following a crisis)

Dishonesty £100,000 - Cover is provided for claims for direct loss of tangible property, money or securities belonging to a member group or for which they are legally responsible caused by a fraudulent act by a trustee, employee or volunteer. 

Levels of cover have been agreed with NHS Resolution (Previously NHS Litigation Authority) as acceptable for volunteers working in NHS premises. 

  • Legal Advice Line NB This legal helpline offers advice on employment related issues including disputes but there is no insurance protection for legal costs and ultimately any award against you should matters escalate to a tribunal.
  • Regular newsletter
  • Freshen up packs and Christmas Cards customised for your organisation
  • Regional networking through our regional committees and events
  • Member helpline and email service
  • A membership discount on full Audit services
  • A membership discount on training and development programmes from Attend Academy
  • Free charity financial audit consultation
  • Voting rights at the AGM

This isn't a full description of the insurance cover provided. Terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions apply, the details of which can be found in the policy wording.

Additional membership packages

The following packages are available to you as an addition to your Core Membership and will create an overall membership tailored to your needs. Below you can read about

  • Contents Package
  • Retail Package
  • Employer Package
  • Professional Services Package
  • Transport Package
  • Bespoke options

If you have any questions at all please ring Debbie Baverstock on 0207 307 2570 or email


This package is designed to suit voluntary groups using office space and charity shops and is all about protecting your office fixtures, shop fittings and cash.

This package therefore provides insurance cover for contents against damage at your place of work in the event of circumstances such as a fire, flood or theft. Contents include items such as your tables, chairs, cabinets, shelves, trolleys, general equipment and the like. Please note, if you run a shop then the stock that you sell is not covered but this is an offer you can take advantage of in the Retail Package.

Insurance cover is also provided for loss of money at the premises during and outside working hours, whilst in a safe and whilst being transported to the bank. Money includes cash, bank notes, cheques, banker’s drafts, postal orders, postage and revenue stamps and gift tokens.

In the event of a fire, flood or theft at your place of work you may have to relocate and insurance cover is also provided for the additional costs involved in doing that such as hiring an alternative space.

As well as providing protection in the event of a loss there is support to reduce the risk of it happening altogether in the form of a useful factsheet and a risk assessment template.

Membership Benefits:

  • Risk assessment template policy
  • Insurance for Contents up to a sum insured of £50,000
  • Insurance for Money: On Premises during working hours £5,000. On Premises outside business hours £1,000. On Premises in Safe £3,000. At home of an employee or volunteer £1,000. Otherwise and anywhere in the UK £1,000
  • Insurance for additional cost of working if you suffer during any period,  interruption as a result of say fire, flood, theft at the premises up to sum insured of £25,000 over a 12 month period
  • Factsheet on protecting property and reducing risk of loss or damage

Cost: Core membership + £271

This isn't a full description of the insurance cover provided. Terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions apply, the details of which can be found in the policy wording.


This package is specifically designed for all charitable organisations that run shops including if you have a shop on the High Street, or a shop or trolley service within your hospital or even run the hospital cafe.

We have tailored the membership support to be specifically about getting the best out of your shop such as special offers on products. In addition the insurance cover can provide protection for your stock and business should you unfortunately encounter a problem.

In the event of say a fire, flood or theft this package therefore provides insurance cover for loss of revenue such as sales that you may miss out on because you have had to close and can’t operate.

Insurance cover is also provided for your stock against damage at your place of work in the event of the same type of circumstances e.g. fire, flood or theft. Stock is your items on sale including Christmas cards, produce, gifts and foodstuffs. We are delighted that for the first time we are able to offer a package with insurance for stock.

We imagine that for many groups with a shop they will take out the Contents Package to cover their fixtures, fittings and cash and then add on the Retail Package to cover their stock.

There is also a helpline to provide support and a free health check to help you consider and manage your risk.

Membership Benefits:

  • Free retail health check
  • Retail helpline with support for challenges including lease disputes and threats of closure
  • Insurance for Stock up to a £5,000 sum insured
  • Insurance for loss of your gross revenue during any period of interruption as a result of say fire, flood, theft at the premises up to a sum insured of £50,000 over a 12 month period

Cost: Core membership + £131

This isn't a full description of the insurance cover provided. Terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions apply, the details of which can be found in the policy wording.


This package is specifically designed for those charitable groups that employ staff. It is an area where we have seen the largest increase in enquiries over recent years.

It includes some useful aids to help you navigate this area such as template employee contracts and HR policies. We can also give you advice around pensions and provide you with template health and safety policies.

One of the risks from employing staff is that an employee can take you to an employment tribunal over various issues, including pay, dismissal and discrimination. The tribunal is independent and can ask you to pay compensation or reinstate the employee if you lose the case.

With this in mind, this package provides insurance cover for legal defence costs and any subsequent awards that may be made against you by the court in a tribunal not just in relation to employment but also around contracts, tax, tenancy and property issues.

Please note, that under the existing Core Membership our legal helpline offers advice on employment related issues including disputes but there is no insurance protection for legal costs and ultimately any award against you should matters escalate to a tribunal.

Membership Benefits:

  • Template Health and Safety policies
  • Template employee contracts
  • Template HR policies
  • Legal Expenses Insurance Cover up to £250,000 including cover for Employment Disputes and Compensation Awards but also: Covenants in Restraint of Trade, Legal Defence, Statutory Licence Protection, Contract Disputes, Debt Recovery, Property Protection and Bodily Injury, Tax Protection (£2,000 for aspect and intervention enquiries), Tenancy Disputes
  • Pensions advice, including advice for upcoming auto-enrolment

Cost: Core membership + £292

This isn't a full description of the insurance cover provided. Terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions apply, the details of which can be found in the policy wording.


This package is designed for groups that run services that give advice, such as counselling or training.

We know that this is an increasing activity undertaken by groups and that more and more people are turning to charitable organisations for: -

  • Counselling
  • Training and Education
  • Personal Support Services
  • Befriending and mentoring
  • Advice and support through telephone help lines

This package provides insurance cover for claims relating to financial losses suffered by members of the public and other third party organisations caused by an error or omission in the advice or service which you provide.

It also gives you a useful factsheet on reducing your risk in this area and a risk assessment template.

If you are worried about if your activities constitute an advice service then please give us a ring to talk it through, but use the list above as a guide. Activities such as giving a recommendation or some advice on goods to buy in a shop or on a trolley, signposting to other charities for services or providing external NHS leaflets and pamphlets wouldn’t normally be classed as an “advice service”.

Membership Benefits:

  • Factsheet on risk and how to reduce it
  • Risk assessment template policy
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance cover up to a £250,000 limit (any one claim and the total amount the insurers will pay in any one year) that covers the cost of defending your charity against allegations of professional negligence such as poor or incorrect advice.

Cost: Core membership + £373

This isn't a full description of the insurance cover provided. Terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions apply, the details of which can be found in the policy wording.



There are numerous ‘transport’ related organisations operating within the Charity and Voluntary sector, many of which rely upon the goodwill of their employees and volunteers using their own vehicles to help achieve their charitable objectives.

This package has been designed for those groups who have volunteers or members of staff that use their own cars or motorbikes to deliver their activities.

Please note, this does not mean that they are using their vehicles to commute to and from the activities but that their vehicles are part of the service such as picking up patients for a transport scheme or delivering blood between hospitals.

Employees and volunteers using their own vehicles may end up out of pocket if they suffer an accident and have to end up paying an increased premium or an excess, this may be particularly frustrating if they are not at fault.

This package provides a useful factsheet on risk and how to reduce it.

The package also provides a monetary payment to protect drivers personal No Claims Discount if they are driving on behalf of the organisation at the time of an accident.

Membership Benefits:

  • Loss of No Claims Bonus & Excess Protection - should an employee or volunteer be involved in an accident in their own vehicle whilst working for you and as a result have to either pay an insurance excess or increased insurance premium, or both, then this policy would respond up to a maximum of £500 any one claim 
  • Factsheet on risk and how to reduce it

Cost: Core membership + £11.00 per volunteer and £20.00per staff member

This isn't a full description of the insurance cover provided. Terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions apply, the details of which can be found in the policy wording.


Our Core Membership and Additional Packages have been created in acknowledgement of the different types of charitable organisations which require support and with you and your organisation's needs in mind. We do acknowledge that you may have additional support and insurance requirements.

The following are some examples of the types of bespoke packages available:

Insurance (via Gallagher)

  • Buildings Insurance
  • Higher Contents and Equipment Insurance
  • Property Insurance for portable items whilst used away from your organisation’s premises (cover provided in the new Contents and Retails Packages only apply whilst it is at your place of work and cover away from the premises can be purchased)
  • Higher Money Insurance (cover provided in the Contents Package outside of normal working hours give £3,000 in a safe and £1,000 in a locked drawer, more cover can be purchased)
  • Motor Insurance including for Minibuses
  • Event cancellation Insurance (cover is provided under the Core Package for events but only in so far as someone being or damage being caused, cover isn’t provided for loss of money or costs in the event of cancellation)


  • Fundraising advice and fund mapping services
  • Financial and charity audits
  • Training and development courses and programmes
  • Coaching
  • Marketing and communications support


To find out more about any of the above please contact Customer Service at Gallagher.


Attend is an introducer appointed representative of Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Spectrum Building, 55 Blysthwood Street, Glasgow, G2 7AT. Registered in Scotland. Company Number: SC108909.