Fresh Foundations CIC

Paving a way towards independence

“If Fresh Foundations was to not exist I would be devastated and in total panic. I would like to say thank you for all the help and support you have given to me,” Jimmy, a resident of Fresh Foundations housing

Fresh Foundations CIC offers places in houses with support to help individuals suffering from severe learning difficulties or mental illness to take steps to independent living.

For many people, the implications of mental ill health means it becomes difficult to sustain tenancy and so this housing project equips the residents with the skills necessary to live in rented accommodation. Whilst living in a comfortably furnished single-person flat or shared house in close proximity to the town, the residents look to ultimately be in a position where they can leave supported housing altogether. Weekly meetings with a support worker help to make this a reality.

Fresh Foundations CIC was formed in 2009 with a focus on running houses, but it is one part of the work of the Stafford and Cannock League of Hospital Friends who have been working on independent living projects since 1973, and have been working to support the hospital since the formation of the NHS.

The project began with just one house, which could cater for four people but the tireless efforts of the volunteers involved has meant that they now can offer 37 spaces to those who are seeking independence.

One particular person who has benefited from this housing project is Jimmy. Jimmy is a 42 year old man who heard about the service whilst in prison. He was referred by the Accommodation Officer at Staffordshire & West Midlands Probation Trust’s Housing Advice Unit, as he was due to be released from prison without any accommodation, rendering him homeless.

Jimmy had a history of substance misuse and offensive behaviour and had been in custody for most of his adult life. He also suffers from severe and enduring mental illness and finds day-to-day tasks difficult at times. He was assaulted recently and sustained a near fatal blow to the head, which has had an adverse effect on his health and well-being. These factors made it difficult for him to find his own accommodation.

‘I have been with the League of Friends for approximately 23 months and the support I have has been absolutely fantastic and it’s been brilliant. I have been taught to budget. I have been shown how to make a complaint formally rather than using insolence. I have also been taught to do the basics like cleaning and not letting things build up into a great big dilemma,” Jimmy

The Stafford and Cannock League of Hospital Friends has been a member of Attend since its inception and Fresh Foundations became a member of Attend shortly after its formation in 2009.

 ‘It seemed like a natural progression. There are the insurance benefits and they are also there to help and advise and are on the end of the phone if we need them.’-Sheila Lugg

Created July 19, 2012

Fresh Foundations CIC, a former member of Attend. For more information, or to join, please click here.