The Cathja Project

Woodworking on a 38 Metre Barge

The barge is a wonderful place, where people can recover from mental health problems. Here they can create things of a practical nature or something artistic, building confidence in themselves and others in a friendly and supportive environment. — Irene Buchan, Community Mental Health Nurse, West London Mental Health Trust

Friends of Cathja is a charity that works to achieve ‘therapy through creativity’. Formed in 1995, Friends of Cathja created the Cathja Project - a wood workshop for people recovering from severe and enduring mental health problem. This is situated on a 38 metre barge, named the Cathja, moored on the river Thames. The cargo hold of the barge has been fitted with the necessary workshop equipment and provides a creative, relaxed atmosphere where staff, volunteers and service users work together to make furniture and art.

The project is set up for people who, typically, have just been discharged from psychiatric wards; they work with the aim to help these individuals regain control of their lives. Friends of Cathja achieve this goal by providing an opportunity to be creative in a safe, non-judgmental environment, which consequently increases self-esteem and confidence in the workshop users. After finishing their product, workshop users can take their work home which enhances the therapeutic value to the members. Users are encouraged to make as many decisions for themselves as possible, this includes the frequency and duration of their attendance.

OFV grants, awarded by Attend previously, have supported Friends in meeting artist's fees, purchasing wood carving tools, materials and the cost of administration. The grants also enabled them to increase volunteering from their community and helped support new activities formed around their new barge 'The Lighter'.

Funding has also allowed a new role of Project Co-ordinator to be created. They will help manage the volunteer managers that have arisen form the service users. Attend also helped Cathja become the role model and mentor for another Attend member group called Moor Arts. In 2001, the Cathja Project prepared statistics regarding service user hospital admissions - they were able to demonstrate an 84% reduction in hospital admissions from those who attended the Cathja Project.

Cathja have in recent years opened a charity shop at various locations and are part of the The Brentford Together Project


“I suffer from schizophrenia and started attending the workshops two or three days a week about a year and a half ago. During that time my confidence and self-esteem have grown considerably, thanks to the unique supportive atmosphere on board Cathja and the charity's self-empowering ethos. — Mr. R, member

“Sometimes when I am low, I am less motivated. But problems are discussed and you feel you are respected and not being treated as a ‘label’. — Elizabeth, member

“I lost my job in 1996 and wasn't able to find any work for nearly three years. I got so depressed about it all that I felt I couldn't cope and ended up trying to end it all. If I hadn't found Cathja, I really believe I would have gone under again and becoming a volunteer really helped me re-build my confidence. I'm not completely over my depression but I am much better and I'm glad that I can give something back. — Mr. C, volunteer


Created 8th January 2013. Updated 2021

The Cathja Project benefits from Attend membership, which includes comprehensive charity insurance cover. For more information, or to join, please click here.

The Cathja Project