Pepper Pot Day Centre

Afro-Caribbean Social and Day-Care Services

Recognising the significance of ‘community’, Pansy Jeffrey set out to establish a community dedicated specifically for the elder West Indian and Afro-Caribbean population who, she felt, were suffering from great isolation, depression and loneliness. With her promising proposal and commitment, Jeffrey received a grant from the local council in 1981, which led to the creation of the Pepper Pot Day Centre in Kensington, and with the help of a lottery grant, the building was refurbished and rejuvenated to create a friendly and cosy environment.

The Pepper Pot Centre aims to provide a comprehensive service for active and disabled over 50's, from the African, Caribbean & BME community, in the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, to enable them to live more independently in their own homes.They pool all available resources within the community to meet the socio-cultural, physical, emotional and psychological needs of African and Caribbean elders, ensuring that each individual enjoys a high quality of life.

Their Members can enjoy a healthy balanced Caribbean meal and recreational services.

Disabled members can benefit from Day Care services.

Active elderly members can use the Drop In services..

Activities include: Regular day outings around London, Exchange visits with other Day Centres, Music and Dance Therapy, Christmas parties, Dominoes and Bingo, Pool Table and other games, Bible Classes and Gospel Singing, Arts and Crafts, Technology classes & exercise classes.Freshly cooked, hot nutritious African and Caribbean meals and snacks from Monday to Friday.

The centre also provides transport Services for the day care service users to enable them to attend the Centre, Qualified Care Staff to provide high-quality, safe and person-centred care, ongoing liaison with Care Managers to ensure proper monitoring and implementing of individual care packages, ongoing liaison with GP’s nurses and family members or carers to ensure health and well-being of service users and to report any deterioration in health.

Members can also take advantage of personal care services, befriending or Outreach Services for those that are housebound, isolated and/or depressed, general Advice and Information – the services of an Outreach Officer is available to give advice or to forward the user’s query to the appropriate agency, Birthday parties and Christmas parties, hire of their hall/rooms

Individuals who volunteer at the centre have allowed the organisation to maximise its work of caring for its members, and for the wider community of North Kensington.

Pepper Pot's 25th Anniversary on 9 June 2006 was honoured by a visit from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, giving the highest official recognition of its widely acknowledged status within the community.



Created 8th January 2013. Updated 2021

Pepper Pot Day Centre benefits from Attend membership, which includes comprehensive charity insurance cover. For more information, or to join, please click here.

Pepper Pot Day Centre