Music First

Music as a tool for child and community development in Islington

“It’s music that’s given me a focus and direction in life” - Cyan, 17, Highbury Grove School, now poised to read Music at Bristol or Oxford.

Music First introduces music to children in the Islington area to build their artistic interests and help them develop skills needed to succeed in their academic and social life. Instruments are loaned out to primary school students who meet for weekly ensembles practices to make music as a group, socialise, and receive mentorship from staff.

Music First founder Bob Pepper modelled the program after a Venezuelan programme that used music as a tool of development. Pepper launched a version of the programme in London in 2008. In the first three years about 1,000 children studied with Music First.

 “We deliberately work with children who not only would not have access to music lessons but would not have access to any extracurricular activities full stop,” explains volunteer Leon Clowes. “In our schools there is an excess of 90% of children who are on free lunch.”

The instruments are loaned for free so that the children can practice at home and learn to work independently.

The children keep a log book of their individual progress and work to meet levels of accreditation. They learn to work towards set goals and find fulfilment in personal achievement.

Music First teaches more than musical abilities. “Right from the start they are taught to be a performer, which builds up the child’s confidence and the way they present themselves,” says Clowes.

Teachers note that students apply the skills learned at Music First to excel in their school assignments. “Y. can struggle with academic learning but has really blossomed through learning to play the flute. Her attendance at the Hub has propelled her to the top of her group and she is now able to bring her learning back to school. The Hub has dramatically increased her self-confidence and given her the opportunity to excel in something that also obviously brings her great personal joy and satisfaction.” - Teacher from a participating primary school

“The thing I am most proud of is how embedded Music First is in the community. I’ve never seen such an engaged trustee board that actively participates in the program and do such fantastic fundraising. You can see the children being genuinely excited and the parents are involved as well. The child is part of the family who is part of the whole school and the wider community.” – volunteer Leon Clowes.


Created 2012. Updated 2021

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