The League of Friends of The Helston Community Hospital

Relieving patients and former patients of the Helston Cottage Hospital

Sensory garden for patients

The League of Friends group at the Helston Community Hospital works hard to relieve both patients and former patients who are sick, disabled, handicapped, infirm, or in the need of financial assistance. The League has been successful in raising funds to support the charitable work of the hospital, as well as provide facilities, building, and equipment for the patients.

The League works closely with the Primary Care Trust and the Matron and staff to make Helston one of the best community hospitals in Cornwall. Amongst the extensive list of purchases made by the League of Friends for the hospital is the “Jack Johns” suite. This suite provides patients’ families with a place to rest, shower, and relax without having to leave the hospital, meaning they do not have to leave their loved ones for long periods of time. The suite is also used by staff to ascertain if patients are able to look after themselves before being discharged from the hospital.

The League has also provided a Conservatory and a Sensory Garden where patients go to wander freely and enjoy a peaceful moment to themselves. The garden has also been used to hold the annual summer fete, which raised a substantial sum of money for the use of the hospital. The Conservatory is now fully furnished with comfortable furniture to provide a relaxing atmosphere for patients and their families. The League also facilitated the extension of the hospital car park which will provide free parking to patients and visitors.

The League decides on what it will purchase with its funds every month at the committee meeting. The League works hard to be able to provide the hospital with everything it needs, such as benches, wheelchairs, blood-pressure machines, duvets and much more. It has also purchased leisure items such as updated televisions and more comfortable mattresses. The League of Friends of Helston hospital will continue to provide new facilities and equipment for the Hospital but is also dedicated to maintaining and improving facilities they have already contributed in order to provide support and enhance the comfort of patients of Helston Community Hospital. 

Created prior to 2011. Updated 2021

The League of Friends of the Helston Community Hospital benefits from Attend membership, which includes comprehensive charity insurance cover. For more information, or to join, please click here.

The League of Friends of The Helston Community Hospital