Greenpath Ventures

Facilitating bushcraft and outdoor activities for disadvantaged adults

“The best part is seeing people grow and develop,” John Wills, founding member

Greenpath Ventures is an innovative community project that offers Bushcraft and related activities to disadvantaged adults, especially those with mental health issues. Activities include archery, air gun shooting, angling, and arts and craft.

Founded by individuals who had previously worked in mental health services, Greenpath Ventures started with the idea that a lot of existing organisations focused on illnesses, rather than what the individual could achieve despite their illness. Therefore, the foundation of this scheme focuses on how people can learn new skills in a unique environment, whilst realising the capacity of what they could achieve. Furthermore, participants come away with improved confidence, self-esteem, knowledge about healthy living and exercise, developed interpersonal skills and happy memories.

In the future Greenpath Ventures aims to become Open College Network registered so that participants can gain qualifications through the courses. They also hope to develop a heritage project that will teach others about British culture and heritage. The organisation hopes that, by taking part in these activities, participants will see how big and diverse the world is and the extent of what they can learn and achieve.

Greenpath Ventures received an Opportunties for Volunteering grant from Attend to help them recruit volunteers from disadvantaged backgrounds to offer Bushcraft and related activities and to help offer the empathetic and supportive environment needed to encourage participation. ‘We appreciate the backup and useful advice that Attend membership offers,’ says John Wills. ‘It’s also nice to be part of a regional committee and to get to know colleagues in the area.’


"Members of the organisation often have backgrounds and qualifications in mental health or Bushcraft and personal experience of living with disadvantage. The latest evidence shows that being active outdoors is beneficial to mental health. It improves people's physical strength, their confidence and self-esteem." John Wills, Development Volunteer



Created 19th December 2012. Updated 2021

Greenpath Ventures benefits from Attend membership, which includes comprehensive charity insurance cover. For more information, or to join, please click here.