Attend East England Showcase

Arthur Rank House (ARH)

Providing palliative care for terminally ill patients and support for their family

Centre for Action on Rape and Abuse

Providing a confidential support and information service to victims of sexual violence

Avenue Child Contact Centre

Allowing children from separated families to spend time with non-resident parents

Church from Scratch

Innovative SharedSpace scheme with aims of improving the local community

Upside Down Sports Club

Providing the opportunity for children in wheelchairs to take part in sporting activities

Swaffham Community Hospital

Suffolk Rape Crisis

Confidential support for female survivors of rape or sexual abuse.

The Friends of the Phoenix Centre

Creating a comfortable environment for young people with eating disorders

Greenpath Ventures

Facilitating bushcraft and outdoor activities for disadvantaged adults

Hospital Radio Yare

Forever Active Scheme

Hertfordshire Hearing Advisory Service (HHAS)

Providing both professional technical support and invaluable companionship to those with hearing loss

Friends of Fulbourn Hospital and Community