Centre for Action on Rape and Abuse

Providing a confidential support and information service to victims of sexual violence


"I never thought I'd be able to tell anyone 'stuff' that was going on, I never really thought it was possible to trust people - but I have learnt to trust you and others!" – Victim and client of Centre for Action on Rape and Abuse.

In 1989, a group of women in Essex recognised that there was very little support on offer for women and children who had suffered sexual violence and abuse. In order to provide help, guidance and information they set up a centre, which was then called the Colchester Rape Crisis Line (CRCL).

Over the years the charity has grown and has moved from providing telephone-only advice to offering a range of different support services. Now known as the Centre for Action on Rape and Abuse (CARA), the centre provides support to children; young people of both genders up to the age of 19; and adult women who have experienced any form of sexual violence, past or present, directly or indirectly.

As well as their 24-hour answerphone, they offer face-to-face counselling and emotional support as well as an advocacy service. Additionally, CARA also offers practical guidance. They provide information about the rights of victims; support in reporting an assault to the police; support throughout the legal process; and accompaniment at court or to the GUM clinic if they request it. Furthermore, the centre also offers information about sexual abuse and issues surrounding sexual abuse with the aim of raising public awareness.

For many women and young people, CARA provides a first point of contact after an assault and somewhere for those who may otherwise have nowhere to go. This invaluable support and CARA’s achievements have not gone unnoticed. As well as being appreciated by those who contact the service, outside agencies have also paid tribute to the organisation. In 2004 they were winners of the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, an award that recognises the commitment of volunteers throughout the country. Additionally, in 2007 they were recognised by the Guardian Charity Awards for providing what is considered by many to be a lifeline.

Since 2008, CARA has steadily grown, increasing its income, staff and reputation and extending the range of services they provide for victims and survivors.

Today, CARA has a team of 27 full and part-time staff and 21 sessional counsellors providing a wide range of services to clients of all genders and all ages.  Volunteers have always been and will remain a vital part of CARA’s work.  They currently rely on the support of around 15 volunteer counsellors, advocates, administrators and fundraisers.



"I'm writing to say thank you for helping when everyone else refused and gave up." - Victim

"Thank you for taking the time to talk to me just now. It was such a relief to talk to someone who doesn't judge me." - Victim

"You gave me strength and listened to me - you treated me like an individual and understood me." - Victim

"Through counselling, you have helped me get my life in perspective and enabled me to put the past behind me and move on to the future!" - Victim


Created 18th December 2012. Updated 2021

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