League of Friends of the Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham

Supporting the Queen’s Medical Centre through profits made from their charity shop organisation

Many people will come in to the charity shop and say, ‘I owe the Queen's Medical Centre such a lot’ and they donate because they feel that they have been given a second chance.” – Elaine Fletcher, volunteer at the charity shop

Founded in 1979, The League of Friends for the Queen's Medical Centre (QMC), at the Nottingham University Hospital, works to support the QMC through fundraising and volunteer activities. There are currently around 35 individuals volunteering for the organisation.

From holding events, such as coffee mornings or quiz nights, to organising a more straightforward appeal for donations, the Friends fundraise in both traditional and untraditional ways that nonetheless prove successful. Additionally, the Nottingham University Hospital’s, Peggy Greenfield Art Gallery, also donate a commission from sales of paintings to the League of Friends.

The Friends originally set up a charity shop in Keyworth. Prior its opening, volunteers, Elaine Fletcher and Jill Wayne, scoured the surrounding area for 18 months in search of the right location to set up the shop. “There is a lot to think about when setting up a charitable business,” says Elaine, “and Attend were on hand to guide us through the Charity Commission's requirements.” She added: “Simon Needham, Attend's Regional Development Manager, has taken a real supportive interest in the shop.”

With a chosen location, Elaine and Jill found a team of volunteers at the Friends to take on the task of painting and decorating before the shop was ready for its first customers. Six months later they have plenty of reason to celebrate with all the initial debts, lease and solicitors fees paid off and a handsome £10,000 profit ready to hand over to the hospital.

The shop, staffed by volunteers, sells second hand goods including clothes, housewares, books and toys. All items for sale are of high quality and standard; any donations that don't make the grade are sold on to recycling firms for extra cash.

They have since opened a second shop in Lenton

Donations are often made by members of the public who have personal experience of how helpful the QMC is. One local artist who had received treatment there makes a regular contribution by keeping the shop fully stocked with hand-painted cards. And thanks to the generous donations like these, the shop has made over £32,000 in profits in just over a year!

Of course, the shop would not be a success if it wasn’t for the team who run the shop from day to day. Elaine says “We're absolutely shattered but it gives us all a thrill. Without the volunteers we couldn't have done it”.

Furthermore, a benefactor has left the Rheumatology Department a legacy of £120,000. This is being used to propel the QMC Rheumatology Department to lead its peers.


We are a group of ordinary people from all walks of life who want to give something back to the community.” - Volunteer



Created 17th January 2013. Updated 2021

The League of Friends of the Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham benefits from Attend membership, which includes comprehensive charity insurance cover. For more information, or to join, please click here.