Estuary League of Friends Win Prestigious Award

Queen's Award for Voluntary Service

We wanted to share with you the wonderful news that Estuary League of Friends has been chosen to receive the prestigious Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service!
The Award was created by The Queen in 2002 to mark the occasion of her Golden Jubilee. Recognising excellence in voluntary activities in the community, it is the MBE for volunteer groups.

Estuary was selected as a recipient for the Award by an independent Assessment Committee chaired by Sir Martyn Lewis CBE.
We are all thrilled with this news!  It comes at such important time for Estuary, as we celebrate our thirtieth year of working to improve the quality of life of those in need of care, comfort and support in our community and as we start work on the £1.85 million Community Hub development which will allow Estuary to grow meet rising local need and will help safeguard the future of local service infrastructure in our area.
We are incredibly proud of each and every one of the 160 local people who volunteer to make a difference and without whom our work would not be possible. The Award is testament to their commitment and dedication. 
Find out more about the Award at

Rachel Gilpin Assoc CIPD
Chief Executive
Estuary League of Friends
Rydon House
20 C High Street
01392 879275