The Friends of the Richardson Hospital

Helping to provide equipment and amenities for the Richardson Hospital

I should like to thank members of the Friends who have done so much to support the Hospital and provided much needed equipment and extras for the patients.” — Anne Beeton, Chair of Durham Dales PCT

Formed in 1981, The Friends have provided a wealth of equipment and services to the hospital over the years.

They include medical, diagnostic and screening equipment, physiotherapy equipment, treatment couches and special chairs for the Day Rooms and Day Hospice, special mattresses, seating, hoists and bathing equipment, celebrations, toiletries, teaching/demonstration aids, newspapers and Christmas gifts, and headphones for televisions.

The Friends plan to raise more money, ensuring that patients and staff can have the best equipment and services necessary. All the members of the Friends of Richardson Hospital are volunteers and pride themselves on raising all of their funds with the help of the local community.

The Friends of Richardson Hospital works in partnership with Community Ventures Ltd (Facilities Management) and County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust to support healthcare in Teesdale.


“The Friends of Richardson Hospital emerge with credit for their work over the years to improve conditions for patient; without Mr R T Richardson, there would not have been a community hospital south of the Wear or east of Darlington.” — Cllr John Watson, Mayor of Barnard Castle

 “The patients love to see Father Christmas [vice-chair of the Friends] on Christmas Day—their faces really light up.” — Nurse at Richardson Hospital

“I really enjoyed today [Make a Difference Day]; we all had a good time and raised more money than I expected—people really supported us.” — Christine Bell, Treasurer



Created 14th January 2013. Updated 2021

The Friends of the Richardson Hospital benefit from Attend membership, which includes comprehensive charity insurance cover. For more information, or to join, please click here.


The Friends of the Richardson Hospital