Friends of Oaklands - The Big Help Out

On Bank Holiday Monday the 8th of May volunteers of the Friends of Oaklands helped out with gardening in the Oaklands care home.

On Bank Holiday Monday the 8th of May volunteers of the Friends of Oaklands helped out with gardening in the Oaklands care home. This day was planned in conjunction with the staff of the home, the residents and their carers. The raised flower beds purchased by Friends allowed wheelchair users to be pushed up to them. The raised beds took a while to asemble, but the final result made it all worthwhile, and the residents were very happy. Catherine Wood (chairman) was very thankful to the staff, volunteers and residents who had given their time to allow the project to take place. The garden will provide a place for residents to socialise in the warmer weather, and also give them something to focus on, and make them feel like they have achieved something. There are plans to tidy up the garden each month at the Dementia cafe, and some residents and volunteers have offered to help out with the watering rota, to ensure everything remains in tip top shape. There are plans to keep adding to the garden and making things look prettier. The next gardening day at Oaklands will be happening in the early autumn.