Volunteer issues

Fact sheets

A confidentiality policy says a lot about your organisation, and reflects your attitudes towards staff, volunteers, the public and your stakeholders.
If your organisation wants to set-up a new initiative or project, or improve its existing volunteering programme, one approach could be to brainstorm on why you want to involve volunteers and what you want volunteers to help your organisation achieve.
An overview of all the important headings for your organisations Volunteer Handbook
Despite rumours to the contrary, younger people are keen to be involved in charitable causes but there are a few steps you can take to ensure that they are interested in the opportunities that you provide.
The aim of this policy is to make clear the extent to which volunteers may help a service user in connection with their medicines on discharge from hospital, under the Friends of Whitstable Hospital & HealthCare “Community Friends” (visiting & befriending) project.
Often there is confusion between workers and volunteers.The questions comes up whether you have a worker or a volunteer and are they to be paid the national minimum wage. Here are some definitions that will help you decide whether you have a volunteer or a worker.
Stereotypes about younger people and about older people
A new volunteer is starting? Kick things off with them completing this form...
One of the reasons why people volunteer is to gain experience and skills to further or change careers. Volunteers it seems are also only able or are willing to commit to volunteering for shorter periods of time than in previous years.
This Volunteer Agreement describes the arrangement between [name of organisation] and you. We wish to assure you of our appreciation of your volunteering with us, and we will do the best we can to make your volunteer experience enjoyable and rewarding.
Need to find a Volunteer Shop Manager? Use this template advert to start your search...
Sometimes known as 'Broker' projects, where a volunteer who has mental health issues is found a placement and both they and the placement providing organisation are supported during this process (and afterwards as necessary).
Currently, there isn’t any legislation or legal definitions discussing volunteer workers. It is important that organisations be careful of volunteers becoming employees according to the law, it’s important for organisations to clearly differentiate between volunteers and employees.
If your organisation works with volunteer drivers it is important to take into account issues such as: safety, insurance, mileage rates and screening.
Some useful advice and good practice around interviewing volunteers for your organisation...
An example Volunteer Policy Framework to help "ring-fence" your organisation...
Volunteering is an activity that you choose to do for no payment that will help people other than family members. You can do voluntary work through an organisation in a 'formal' way, or 'informally' by helping out through your own initiative either individually or as part of a group.
People volunteer for many different reasons - 8 they could be:

External factsheets & publications

This content is available to Attend members only.
If you are a member log in here, or if you would like to join us why not sign up today.
Hints & Tips for Involving volunteers
A Red Foundation/Volunteer Centre Devon factsheet
Specimen Volunteer Handbook - Breakthrough Breast Cancer
Used with kind permission of Breakthrough Breast Cancer
Specimen Volunteer Policy - Breakthrough Breast Cancer
Reproduced with kind permission of Breakthrough Breast Cancer
Student Volunteering - A National Profile
A Volunteering England Publication
The Vetting & Barring Scheme Guidance
An HM Government publication

Useful links

This content is available to Attend members only.
If you are a member log in here, or if you would like to join us why not sign up today.
Association of Volunteer Managers
Legal Update for Voluntary Organisations
NHS Litigation Authority: Scheme coverage for volunteers
Volunteer Genie
Volunteering England